GradsCollab Network Registration
Please fill out the following fields to complete your registration for the GradsCollab Network. You are being asked to create a username and password for to access the network — please choose one that is easy to remember as it can be used to update your profile later.
The way you enter your name in the ‘First Name’ and ‘Last Name’ boxes below is how it will appear on your name badge, so please type carefully. Please do not type your information in all capital letters.
The information you use for your registration will be entered into an international GradsCollab database, where students can search using key words and disciplines to find other students who share the same interests! The goal is to expand opportunities for interdisciplinary and international collaboration by connecting graduate students through a virtual network to share ideas and launch new projects. The database should be available for connecting to other students in May, so check back on the website soon!